Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Steeler Fan in Oklahoma!

Ever since the Superbowl game Stone has been interested in football and Friday was quite a special day; he got a fun package from Grandpa and Jill. The package came all the way from Pittsburgh, home of the Steelers!

I think we just might have a football player on our hands... look at the way he cradles the ball! 
Running for a punt?
Time for a pass off!
Holding it tight and ready for a touchdown!
Stone had so much fun trying out the new football!  
Thanks Dad and Jill, We love you!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine Cupcakes

Stone got invited to a sweet Valentine Cupcake party last week.  Tyna and Joe invited 4 litttle boys over to decorate cupcakes and to play!   Stone had so much fun putting the frosting on followed by all the sprinkles and then licking off the frosting.  I was impressed that he actually ate the cake part as well! 

Intently focusing on the sprinkles! 
The first bite while saying, "cheese".
A mouth full of cupcake... YUMMO! 
Me and my Little Valentine, love this boy so much! 

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friend Day at Gymnastics

Stone's best buddy Mac invited him to bring a friend day at Metro Gymnastics.  Stone got to see Mac and Clara, another friend from Sonshine School.  Stone was so excited to go and he had a blast.  

Listening to Miss Sara give directions.  
Time to begin... pat to the beat!
On the move... following the leader.
Tumbling and climbing... so much fun!
Time for a drink break!
After drinks it was time for the bars, Stone doing a splitso with Miss Sara's help! 
Touch your toes to the bar!
I have to say this was a great way to spend a Friday morning!  
Thanks Mac for the invite!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

These are so cute...

Another fun giveaway from lilmunchkindoodle... these shirts are so cute. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Taking Shelter!

Today as the school day was winding down the Tornado sirens went off... mayhem ensued and we were on the move to the "tornado safe" area of the building!  After all the kids had left and we were getting ready to go the sirens went off once again and a few tornados touched down just a few miles north of us... EDMOND HIT WITH TORNADO.

Hanging out in the hall with everyone that got stuck between the two tornado warnings.
Stone, me and Alex waiting to move again...this time to the nursery so we could sit front of the TV!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

After School Fun

Today after Sonshine School, Stone and I along with half of the school headed to the park... the weather was just too beautiful to not play outside!

Stone loves to climb to the top of this spiderweb and drop down.  
At the top...
Ready to drop... GO!  He had a little fall one time dropping and unfortunately, that pretty much ended his park fun.
Enjoying the Merry Go Round with all of his school friends! 
The Busy Bees getting dizzy!  
There is nothing better than enjoying the park with your school friends! 

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Ride like the Wind

Stone got a new bike from Grandma.  Unfortunately, it came right before the great Ice Storm of 2009.  He was constantly asking me when he could ride it... we got a helmet today so he was so excited to finally try it out outside tonight.   I am sure he will enjoy  riding  it the next few days since it is forecasted to be warm.  

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Five Things

My friend Rachel, challenged me to create my own 5 things, so here goes.

5 Things I was doing 10 years ago
1.  living in Mansfield, MA
2. working as a one-on-one aid for PDD preschoolers
3. wondering where we were going to move to
4. driving a Dodge Neon (one car family then and now)
5. spending lots of time with my adorable nieces and nephews

5 Things on my to-do list today
1. plan the curriculum for February
2. call Tyna about tomorrow
3. clean the house
4. get dog food
5. plan a meal for a friend

5 Snacks I like
1. cookie dough
2. plain yogurt with chocolate chips
3. chips and salsa
4. buffalo dip
5. left over pizza

5 Things I'd do if I were a millionaire
1. pay off all debt
2. sponsor a church plant in Japan
3. find a rockin’ retirement community for my mom
4. buy a big house with an attached apartment for guest to use
5. travel around the world for a year

5 Places I've lived
1. Liverpool, NY
2. Mito, Japan
3. Mansfield, MA
4. Edmond, OK
5. Great Falls, MT

5 Jobs I've had
1. Aide for PDD preschoolers
2. English teacher in Japan
3. camp counselor at Camp Hunt
4. Barista at Starbucks
5. Teacher trainer for EBC4U

And I now tag:

1. Nicole C.

2. Nicole W.

3. Jen F.

4. Laura H.

5. Izumi L.

Monday, February 02, 2009

A Little Giveaway...

For a fun and funky crayon holder!  Check it out here...

Sunday, February 01, 2009

SuperBowl XLIII

No matter who is playing we always root for the team from the north, and this year it just so happens to be the Steelers.  Stone has a great connection there since that is where my dad and his wife, Jill, live! 

Getting ready for the game... like all good fans we had to listen to the commentary! 
Let the games begin... 
Me and my little Steeler fan... we hope the Steelers win... Stone is off in bed now so I guess he will find out in the morning and I will find out in two minutes; Football time!